TOP DEAD CENTER SCOOTER CLUB is a vintage scooter club based in Eugene, Oregon, founded in 1998. We are dedicated to riding, restoration and maintenance of vintage, metal-bodied vintage scooters, primarily Vespas and Lambrettas.
We are also a tight-knit group of friends.
If you are interested in becoming a member of Top Dead Center, get to know us, hang around, and ride a vintage scooter. Once we feel like we truly know you and all agree, we'll invite you to join. Typically it's a 6-12 month process. Happy scootering.
TDC meets every Wednesday night at 6:30 PM.
TDC is dedicated to the restoration and riding of vintage, steel-body, manual transmission scooters, primarily Vespas, Lambrettas and their variants.
Scootering is first and foremost about having fun.
Respect the members of your club and those of other clubs.