White one is a respray, looks decent, was silver and had the usual silver paint issue. P125 with a dr180, Leo Vinci pipe and super sweet king and queen seat. I mucked with the jetting today and I think it's much better, just need to sort electrics.
Blue is a p200 with new shocks, sip (I think) exhaust and getting a quick rebuild as the kickstart gear was having a party (spring looks bad too). So it'll get seals, gaskets cruciform and a couple other bits including a spare tire.
Both are good entry level bikes that I'll be selling, local preferred (to grow the scene). I'll be right around the 2-2500 range when I'm done, so solid but not perfect. Been talking with Max about the 200
White bike is about ready! Just need to pick up a battery tomorrow, got the headlight and taillight sorted today.